Welcome to AIS lab.

Autonomous robots working in daily living environments, outdoor environments, disaster-affected environments, become more and more important. Because these environments are not prepared for automated machines, robots should adequately recognize around environments, and should plan their motion to achieve various useful works. Our purpose is to develop high-level autonomous systems. Fundamental researches, mechanism development, and empirical researches are our targets.

Japanese page is here.

We introduce research results by videos at our youtube channel.

Please contact “kyamazaki at shinshu-u.ac.jp” (change “at” to @) if you interested in our research themes. We are now seeking postdoc researchers, Ph. D. students and research students on the promise of entering doctoral program!! We now have some funded research projects on deformable object manipulation, daily assistive robots, disaster response robot, and agricultural robot.

June. 2020

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